TIOMAN ISLAND, PAHANG, OCTOBER 2019 – Berjaya Tioman Resort recently held the Tioman Island Conservation Day (TICD) 2019 to restore the beauty of the sea and to preserve the splendid sanctuary of the Tioman Island. The event took place from 11th until 13th October 2019 with a total of 120 divers from Malaysia and Singapore together with members of the media and sponsors participated in this year’s TICD to unite together for planet Earth in preserving the nature. Representatives from Reef Check Malaysia, Juara Turtle Project, Rumah Hijau, Rimba Tioman, Jabatan Taman Laut, SWCorp Malaysia, UDive and Scuba People from Malaysia and Singapore were also present to show their support towards this event.
Mr Charles Eman, the Resort Manager of Berjaya Tioman Resort shared, “Environmental conservation is an effort that must be taken seriously. While the governments of different countries are employing various means to conserve nature, individuals must also come forward to contribute their bit in this direction. Hence, Berjaya Tioman Resort takes serious measurements in preserving our beautiful Tioman Island by organising our yearly CSR project called Tioman Island Conservation Day.”
For 2019, Berjaya Tioman resort launched a new approach in conserving corals, named Adopt-A-Coral Program. This program enables the guests to adopt a coral in Berjaya Tioman Resort with a minimal fee of MYR40 per coral in which the collection of the funds from Adopt-a-Coral program will be contributed towards rehabilitation of rescued corals and its maintenance throughout entire restoration process – from coral selection until the final out planting. Adopted corals are closely monitored during its growth and recovery process in coral nursery and returned to the reef once matured.
The participants of TICD comprise of both divers and non-divers from all over Malaysia and Singapore. They are all driven by the same passion – care for a sustainable environment. This year, divers are focussed on underwater clean-up, in which they scoured through the ocean floor to remove garbage as well as to remove COT (Crown of Thorns) as they prey on nearly all corals and is said to be responsible for 42 per cent of coral loss on the Great Barrier Reef. On top of that, the divers also went down to remove algae on corals as a way to promote reef recovery as algae can cause coral mortality and disease, reduce coral growth, and restrict coral settlement.
As for the non-diver participants, they experienced a journey of creating a kinship with the Mother Nature throughout the 3 days 2 nights event. They had the chance to experience the famous recreational activity in the resort, which is snorkelling in Pulau Renggis to observe underwater life in a natural setting. They also played an active role in the rehabilitation of rescued corals by taking part in constructing cement modules made from recyclable materials for the Adopt-A-Coral program. Beach clean-up was also part of the itinerary in which the non-divers collected trash at Bunut area. In just 2 hours, they collected 186kg worth of trash.
Hisham Uyub, founder of Rumah Hijau Tioman also shared that, “I really hope that TICD can give more opportunities for the local community to be part of the event as we believe that they are the best person who will carry forward this conservation.”
TICD 2019 has reflected the true meaning of togetherness and teamwork, fuelled by the passion for the environment. As green-consciousness grows, Berjaya Tioman Resort continues to identify new ways to enhance environmentally-friendly practices and encourage sustainability. Caring for the environment is becoming a vital part of our ‘Legacy of Care’ by Berjaya, instilled by its founder Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Vincent Tan. We are committed to maintain the Tioman Island Conservation Day as part of the corporate social responsibility to give back to the Mother Nature.
This event was sponsored by Sports Toto Malaysia Sdn Bhd with generous supports from Tourism Malaysia, TGV Cinema Malaysia, Cosway, Go Pro, Rip Curl, Carlsberg, J&A Production and Montanic.
Media Contacts
Name : Nuraishah Mohd Salim (Berjaya Hotels & Resorts – Marketing & Communications)
Direct line : +603 2149 1869
Email : nuraishah.ms@berjayahotel.com
Name : Sophia Lim (Berjaya Hotels & Resorts – Marketing & Communications)
Direct line : +603 2149 1886
Email : sophia.lim@berjayahotel.com